10 Raycast extensions to boost your digital routine.
If you haven’t heard of Raycast, get ready to transform the way you tackle tasks. Imagine a tool that’s 1000 times more powerful than Apple’s Spotlight.
Raycast allows you to convert files, generate temporary emails, translate texts, play and control music, and access all the information you need (like calendars, weather, currencies) — all within your current context. Raycast puts everything at your fingertips.
Being an iOS developer, you’re facing lots of additional tasks — cleaning Xcode’s derived data, cleaning cache, working with Git, checking and writing documentation, working on design. Doing all of that is much easier with Raycast.
Without further ado, let’s begin my top 10 extensions.
Deal with .heic in an efficient and pro way.
2. Color Picker
You don’t need Figma or Sketch to pick a color. I mean, really.
3. Ruler
Finally, a tool to measure up to Apple’s high standards.
4. Integrated quick calendar (built-in function)
Let’s face it, this is a killer feature for you.
Delete derived data in seconds, so you’ll see that it’s your force unwrapping that crashing the app.
6. Speedtest
Check your internet connection without seeing any speedtest.net ads.
Find that RAM stealer easily.
8. Kill Process
It’s like ctrl-alt-delete, but better (cause we’re on the MacOS, remember?)
9. Spotify Player and Apple Music
Let’s agree that media control buttons never work when you need them.
If your friends are not really your friends and don’t use Spotify, it’ll come in handy to share songs.
That’s all for today! If you have something interesting to share, feel free to leave a comment.
Raycast is 100% free, if you want to support the developers and get ChatGPT integration — consider subscribing (starting with 10$ monthly). The link to the official website.